Friday, January 7, 2011

i'm getting older~

whats with the topic?haha.Aku dah 17 tahun skarang nih ! and i have to struggle for my SPM.i don't want to let my family down.well,today..first2 dalam bilek tgh dok on9..tiba2 sorang insan bernama afiqah atau lebih dikenali sebagai kakk kduaku telah menjerit sepuas-puas hatinya kat tlinga aku untuk wish happy birthday.adakah patut -.- kemudian diikuti dgn kak syam dan yg lain2.Mak wish aku time kat dlm kreta on the way nk pegi skolh pagi tadi.hehe.ayah tak wish2 langsong.lupe la tuu =.= videl wish dlm fb.and i recieved a rose in school today from my bro,hamzah.and also a musical thingy from kak syam(love it!) and ALOT OF WISHES from my fb.this will be the last birthday ill be having in tunaz and i very appreciate every minute im having today.I will work hard and do my best in this year in order to get straight A's for SPM.yeap.that's my wish for tonight.May Allah bless all of us and gives us strength in living our days :)